Saturday, January 18, 2014

CJYO Mini-Memoir Project: Gliding Through, Fall 2013

 "Gliding Through, Changing a Life One Jump at a Time"

Below is an excerpt from the exceptional memoir by Sandra Pelko, CJYO student from the Fall semester of 2013.  The chapter reflects on Mrs. Pelko's definition of social change and how it relates to the background of her story and work as a mentor through ice skating in the Sun City.

“We must become the change we wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi

Social issues and social changes are something that is a normal thing about society. Author Luis Rodriguez, was a product of society and spent his life trying to adapt overcome social change. From when he was a young boy his family was a victim of social injustice. They were part of poverty and gang violence. I am fortunate enough to say that I was not a part of poverty of major social issues. However , I did have family members who had their run-ins with the law and became a part of the social problems that we now face, such as poverty, gangs, drugs, teenage pregnancy and child neglect and abuse to name a few. Luis Rodriguez talks about his struggles as a child through adulthood as well as the struggles of his family. In his books he always mentions mentors, people who helped him attain social change, in his case the name of his mentor was a man named Chente. I believe everyone has an opportunity to change their situation, but there needs to be a person who cares enough to guide them into the right light. Many times it not only takes a person but it also takes the resources to create a social change. I am a believer if you give some of these troubled people or kids the right tools or lead them to a proper environment you could make a difference. For example for kids in a bad neighborhood, if you provide a safe place for them to go and give them activities to keep them out of trouble you can keep one or two of them from falling in to what could be called social problem. If more people cared and became involved in their local community they could achieve social change. There are different ways to make others aware of social problems and there are several ways make a difference. Luis Rodriguez’s approach was to share his own story with others. By writing about his own life and his struggles he was also able to talk about his story and help others. He was able to make a difference when he went to jails to talk to others that had become society outcasts. Others that heard his stories not only heard the stories but they heard hope. They realize that there are people that care about them and there are others like them that found change. I may not have the street stories but I what I have is the ability to show the kids I work with that they are special. Some start with me with no self-esteem or confidence in themselves and I just give them the tools and the knowledge to change that in them. I have accomplished to change these kids from falling into the track. With each spin, footwork and each jump, I showed them how to land cleanly and if the fall I teach them they just need to get back up and keep going. This is how in my way I am helping these kids not become social statistics and in turn they can later help others be better people.

-Sandra Pelko

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