Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Notes on Mentoring Youth & Young Parents Guidebook

Mentoring Youth and Young Parents
A Guidebook for Programs Helping Youth
 & Young Parents Navigate a Pathway
to Self-Sufficiency

Download: click here
U.S. Department of Labor
Social Policy Research Associates

Since 2011, the CJYO coursework has involved students developing Youth Program Proposals that follow a set of specific steps and requirements highlighted in this report.  Along with being a good resource for learning about mentoring, including other available resources, this can also compliment projects that involve proposing a community based geared towards serving youth.  Will continue reading... So for noted its emphasis on high quality mentoring as promoting positive behaviors and attitudes as well as defining mentor roles that are built on consistency, endurance, and instead of the term "close", I'd prefer to utilize a term like "genuine".  Other notes in the report characters the mentor relationship as one characterized by mutuality, trust, and empathy "that spans a signficant period and is focused on the young person's interests and preferences.  

As we've stressed in semester's past the report states, "it is important to have an understanding of the current economic and social factors in your community that might affect your population."  These notes are from the first step in laying the groundwork for building a program.  I think readers that are interested in finding ways to improve their understanding of current economic and social factors would benefit from participating in local councils and regional service providers that provide technical assistance and training on how to use sites like Census.gov.  Also linking with existing programs is another point emphasized in this article especially to study the data, trends, and issues that they're learning from the community from their own data collection efforts, surveys, etc. 

I like that the first step in this report is titled groundwork... especially since the passion and drive that people start with can often be extinguished by the amount of research, though, writing, and planning that goes into carrying a project like this.

Keywords + Tag = mentor | mentoring | mentee | youth | young parents | Department of Labor | employment | training | criminal justice | youth outreach | consistency | census | self-sufficiency | guidebook | Federal Mentoring Council | Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring | health | mentoring relationships | opportunity | youth unemployment | juvenile justice | social justice | social change | mass incarceration | juvenile detention

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