Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 2 Discussion CJYO 2013 / Student Quotes

"The issues that Rodriguez talked about decades ago today are still very vivid and in fact have gotten worse over the years. In the video “After Newtown, The Path to Violence Documentary” it wasn’t so much an eye opener but more of a reminder that these things (What the Craziness Is) are still happening and in fact this was one of the worst school shootings ever because these were just innocent children. In the video I believe they hit the nail right on the head in saying that these people cannot be picked out of a crowd. They are just normal everyday people with issues deep inside of them. However there was a key part in the video that explained about some of the shooters warning people about their plans but yet no one came forward with this information. There are things that can be done to prevent things like this from happening and I do believe that it is a very scary thing for our youth that are growing up in this age and day. I believe that no little kid should ever be literally scared of going to school because something might happen to them. I also believe that no parent should ever be scared of sending their kids to school. As a Criminal Justice major I believe these issue involve us just as much as it involves the youth of modern day. It is our job to protect them and make sure that they can go places without the fear of someone shooting up the place. I believe these issues go hand in hand with issues that Rodriguez describes in his books... it may not be the same exact issues but they can relate very close. I do believe that Rodriguez’s work is the type of work that people need to be aware of and know that it is out there, because he speaks from experience he has lived that type of life. As with everything else there is a cause and effect and I believe it is the way that we react to these events that make us who we are, not only as a person but as a whole Country."

-George Medina

The Path to Violence Documentary

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